Here Rokkies Live

Rokkies are cute fluffy animals. They live everywhere: in wonderful sea houses, which are not washed away by the waves.You can come across them on the land, under the land or underwater. Maybe, if you try hard enough, you may see even invisible rokkies. Look around carefully and you will see rokkies being busy with their very important tasks!
Young Crokka, his best friend Vokka, fearless Yokka, kind Tukka as well as their friends, parents and neighbours live in the united sea houses. They visit each other, keep themselves busy with testing magic buttons, turning ice into water and back. They can catch a small flying piece of land called a ‘cluptic’ and ride it to look for a big land or visit the Goukhs (a tribe where the girls have three ears and boys have four). You never know what is waiting for them during their next adventure.

If you long for a cozy world of magical creatures you will definitely like this kind and loving book. You will also like the colourful illustrations by Ekaterina Glazer.

lwh: 217x148x16 mm

Weight: 406 g

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