The Ship "Snowy"

According to the second spring agreement between Cats and Dogs who own flying ships, they have to help each other in life-threatening situations. Actually, this is the first time a dog has found himself on a deck of a cats’ ship. This dog lost his memory and was flying in the clouds until found. This is how the adventures of cats sailors begin. They own a ship called “Snowy”. The main characters are Ginger the Captain, his main helper Bob the Striped Vest, the Sailor the Different Eyes and the Dog who will have to remember his name eventually. Travelling around the sea of clouds, we will come across a thin Pig from the Guinea Pig Ship, Dog Sailors from the ship “Loyal-2”, flying postmen fish and dumb poet fish, the Supervisor of the Lighthouse and mysterious Carriers. Everyone will have their own story in this book where you will be able to feel the whistling of wind, harmonica melody, splash of waves and see the salty rope which the Dog will use to get out of the sea of clouds. Spoiler: the book contains a lot of romance and many marine words!

Artists: Tatiana Petrovska, Daniil Petrovski

Alla Botvich won the special nomination "Another Children's Book" in the final of the national literary award "Manuscript of the Year. Season 2021-2022."

lwh: 217x148x16 mm

Weight: 406 g

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