Twelve-year-old orphan Lanek, nicknamed Oakum, is the main character in the first book of the Successors of Triglav series. The boy seeks to find his way in a world run by the Equilibrium, the state system tightly controlling the balance between science and magic. The previously feuding Empire of Pilgrim Magicians and the Republic of Free Craftsmen, where Lanek comes from, have united into a sole state headed by the Equilibrium. Nevertheless, the New Empire cannot suppress the discord and lingering animosity. Lanek dreams of being a skilled mechanic. As a citizen of the Republic, he hates magic. Furthermore, the main character has a family secret, an amulet of Triglav’s old deity. The boy gets a chance to make his dream come true when he meets Darren the Master. The path to fulfilling the dream entails all sorts of hardships, perils and misadventures. Instead of entering the mechanics’ school, Lanek ends up in an orphanage, where he meets new enemies and new friends. For the sake of friendship, he escapes from the orphanage, but returns to face his antagonists. Now, he will have to take a fresh look at both the world and himself. Overcoming his own weakness, cowardice and prejudices, he will find himself at the heart of epic events. The book is a prize-winner of the V. Krapivin International Children’s Literature Award. New books in the series are to come.